How to install a deadbolt

There are 12 steps to installing a deadbolt. Follow them and you will have your new deadlock fitted in no time. Some skill with a hammer, chisel and power tools is advised. Always read the instructions for your particular lock and follow them. The 12 steps to install a deadbolt: Mark the position for the …

How to fit an entrance knob lock

If you are fitting a knob set lock to a new door, there are 12 steps you will need to take. They will ensure your entrance lock will work without any problems. The 12 steps to fit a tiebolt knob lockset: Following these steps will help with your knob lock installation. Always do the final …

They wont install my smart lock

Why we are very choosy about the smart locks we install. I hate turning customers down. But in the case of smart locks We have found it necessary to refuse to fit smart locks that are not of a reasonable standard. It surprises some customers that these locks include common locks sold on the internet …

Security Screen Door Lock

Did you know that you can have your security screen door checked by a professional locksmith? Our locksmiths can come to you to check a broken security screen door lock. We can also give a report on the overall security of the door. Security Screen Door lock check Sliding and Swinging security doors There are …

Tool Box Locks Keyed Alike

When a large company asked if their tool box locks could all be put on the one key. The Lock Mob said Yes! Now they have one key to open all their tool boxes. They can get rid of a huge bunch of keys. The Lock Mob locksmith Toowong are a Brisbane based locksmith and …